For Medical Societies 

Increase adoption of guidelines at the point-of-care.

Clinicians have vast amounts of information at their fingertips. They don’t have time to read all of it.

Transform guidelines for free. Make your guidelines come to life in the EHR (or outside of it) by digitizing them using the latest technology and AI features. Avo will do this complimentary for society and academic partners!
Increase evidence adoption. Offer clinicians actionable, AI tools based on your guidelines that provide clear recommendations, leveraging patient information.
Leverage insights. Gain real-time insights from the point-of-care to better inform your education and adoption efforts.

Avo’s clinician support platform effortlessly transforms medical evidence into simple, actionable tools available at the point-of-care, increasing adoption of the latest guidelines and improve patient outcomes.

We do that by:

Identifying Your Goals

We help our society and academic partners enhance their guideline adoption efforts and analyze clinician usage to improve education strategies.

Digitizing Guidelines

Our team of informaticians takes the lead on translating your guidelines into digital tools, minimizing work for your guidelines committees.

Marketing and Event Support

We work with your teams to co-market and educate on your digital tools across various channels and in-person events.

Delivering Real-Time Insights

We use our deep analytics capabilities to deliver insights that help assess guideline adherence and influence your education approach.

Avo in Action

Clinicians increasingly engage with society guidelines and pathways when digitized with Avo.

Why work with Avo?

Avo's Clinician Support Platform
Digitized guidelines save clinicians time at the point-of-care, thereby increasing guideline usage and improving outcomes.
Combines evidence with time-saving features like auto-note generation, chart synopsis, care gap identification, and ordering to avoid alert fatigue and IT burnout.
Societies can better enable guideline usage at the point-of-care with a distribution channel that is simple to deploy and maintain.
Opportunities for guideline monetization and visibility into clinical education gaps.
Industry Challenges
A recent survey showed that 95% of physicians expressed interest in learning about new trials, treatments or procedures; however, 7 out of 10 felt overwhelmed by the amount of information.1
Nearly 63% of U.S. physicians experience burnout from administrative burden and IT requirements.2
The industry lacks a scalable way for societies to make their guidelines available in the clinical workflow.
Societies have difficulty getting visibility on the impact of their guidelines.
1. Doximity's 2022 Physician Learning Preferences Report
2. AMA’s 2022 National Burnout Benchmarking Report
3. Bartlett, Allison H et al. 2023 “Use of clinical pathways...”